Address : 101 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Website :
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Telephone : 204-995-KICK (5425)
Let's Talk
Mr.Kelly Westerlund
Student number at MTI Thailand : 49227
Instructor 1 (Trainee Instructor Course) G.P.A. = 76%, Grade B on 21/11/2006
Instructor 2 (Qualified Instructor Course) G.P.A. = 77%, Grade B on 07/12/2006
Instructor 3 (Senior Instructor Course) G.P.A. = 74%, Grade B on 20/12/2006
Kwest Kickboxing by Mr.Kelly Westerlund is associated with and representative of Head office of MuayThai Institute(MTI) located in the Rangsit Stadium in Rangsit Thailand. The MTI is the only MuayThai instructional facility that is accredited by World MuayThai Council (WMC) and Thai Ministry of Education globally.
Kwest Kickboxing is located at 101 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and pleased to teaching the MuayThai Basics principally taught in Thailand that follows the above standard. Three courses are presently avaliable:
MuayThai 1 : Basic course (Beginner's MuayThai)
MuayThai 2 : Intermediate course
MuayThai 3 : Advanced MuayThai course
After full time of instruction or training all MuayThai curriculum, students are eligible to test (exam) for MuayThai Certificate and Transcript that is provided by both MuayThai Institute Thailand and Kwest Kickboxing and applicants achievements are on record in Thailand as well. Students are advised to test when they are "ready" to satisfy all tested skills and Wai Kru demonstration - a traditional ceremony that pays resepct to teachers, lineage of teachers, parents, His Majesty the King and Queen and your country.
Accordingly, it is required that to assist students in learning the "right attitude", and as is customary in Thailand; students are required to demonstrate the following mannerisms during training sessions.